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Emily S.

"Throughout most of 2023 I struggled with brain fog resulting from two bouts of Covid. I didn’t notice it that much until an out-of-town friend came to visit me that fall. She clearly identified a few situations where she noticed that I wasn’t my normal fully present self and didn’t easily recall a few directions when driving us around town. Around the same timeframe, I was given the name of a new osteopath, Dr. Chris Laseter, who had just moved into the Santa Fe area. After a series of sessions with him, I began to feel clearer in my mental capacities and regained a greater sense of balance, which Covid has also affected. I had never been to an osteopath before and was more than presently surprised by his multidimensional approach and the breadth and depth of his knowledge and wisdom levels of my degrees and levels of need.  

Clearing my extensive long term post-Covid brain fog was very important to me since I have been writing a book for the last couple of years, and have been anticipating it to be published, and I also had been writing a monthly blog for the past few years. The brain fog I experienced throughout most of 2023 significantly diminished my mental capacities. Due to his treatments, I no longer felt handicapped in my creative writing and editorial capabilities. When I first tried to create a new blog before I met Dr. Laseter, it took a couple of days to complete, and additional extra time for my blog and book editor to edit. After my sessions with him, the first blog took 4 hours to create, and the second took 2 hours. For me this was an answered prayer and a true miracle".   

F. Sutter:  M.D., MBA

Dr Laseter helped my chronic pain due to an injury of many years on the very first visit. He has my confidence through experience, although my traditional medical training does not permit me to understand how it works. Only through remarkable relief did I come to some understanding of what appears to be his synthesis of the ancient wisdom of balancing energy flow in the body and his osteopathic expertise. I have only rudimentary experience of tai chi and the yogic sciences, but enough to appreciate the context of his approach. I have been treated by many excellent allopathic and osteopathic practitioners and colleagues over the years, all of whom helped and encouraged me to some degree with multiple interventions and medications. No treatment was as gentle or effective as Dr. Laseter’s care. His compassion and kindness are deeply appreciated.

His Meditative Exercise program facilitates treatment gains but also remarkably sets the course to safely and gently take personal responsibility for expanding my own wellbeing and self-awareness, empowering a simple self-care practice to maintain wellbeing and prevent further suffering and illness as well. This is a remarkable vision of health care, combining treatment which gives relief and facilitates developing the tools to avert future imbalances that result in suffering and potentially, disease. This is true compassion.

I believe that Dr. Laseter’s work stands at the threshold of a coming mainstream consciousness that will fearlessly embrace the amazing complexity of human wellbeing and health. This moves far beyond the notion of the body as machine and his care transmits what has been previously unmeasurable yet still appreciated and recorded in the writings and practice of ancient wisdom".

Peter Sebastian, D.O.

"I have known Dr. Laseter for many years. He has a unique and effective means of treating patients. Combining osteopathic manipulation and eastern medicine concepts utilizing acupuncture and  qigong exercises, he is able to benefit patients with both routine as well as complex problems. He has helped me personally and family members with some difficult issues. He’s at the top of my list when I need to refer a patient for those in need of his special talents".         

Jenny J.

“Dr. Laseter’s treatments have been the most effective treatment for my son’s dysautonomia symptoms and pain. He feels relief and better after each treatment and he’s learning exercises he can use to correct the symptoms himself. Helping my son understand what’s happening in his body and giving him the knowledge & skill to treat it himself is an amazing gift. The treatments and daily exercises he’s learned with Dr.Laseter have made such a difference in his daily functioning, he was stuck in bed and now he’s back at school. We are always amazed and very grateful for our time with Dr. Laseter!”

Francis Crowhill Miller

"Dr. Laseter changed the course of our lives with our first child.  The beginning of our child's life was very difficult.  He screamed almost all the time he was awake.  After 3 months, we were at our wits end but fortunately found out about Dr. Laseter and began treatments.  Over the course of the next three months, our child (and us) finally found relief.  After another three months, he settled into a peaceful, curious, engaged little person.  With other traumas in life, challenging times have occurred again four years later, but osteopathic manipulation with Dr. Laseter has continued to help him get through and back into a more settled state."

Deb McGowan, R.N.

"My first visits with Dr Laseter were for severe headaches and muscle spasms in my neck.  Traditional medicine approaches included physical therapy, muscle relaxers, and opiates; however, my headaches were not relieved, only masked. After seeing doctor Laseter for approximately 2 years, my headaches were completely resolved, and I was able to go months between my visits. Several years later, I suffered a low back/ pelvic injury that caused me severe pain, loss of a job, and a huge decline in my ability to exercise and perform normal activities of daily living. After seeing several medical doctors, who again only prescribed physical therapy, opiates and meds which left me exhausted and in pain, I returned to Dr Laseter in hopes he  could help me again. Weekly visits, than monthly visits did allow my symptoms to improve , and I was able to return to work as an RN.  Osteopathic medicine was a very foreign approach to me as an RN. At first it seemed "mystical", and I found myself doubting this very hands on approach to healing. I can truly testify that holistic osteopathic medicine has improved my physical health immensely, and I cannot imagine where I would be today without it!  My requirements for pain medication have drastically decreased, and the exercises that Dr Laseter has taught me have been crucial to my ongoing healing. I highly recommend Dr Laseter and the expertise he has to offer in your healing". 

Chung Hsun Chiu, D.O.

"Dr. Chris Laseter is a pioneer in the field of holistic hands on medicine. He is not only a well trained osteopathic physician with over 30 years of experience, but he is also trained in Eastern energy medicine such as chi gong/taichi. With many years of hard work and training, Dr. Laseter is able to skillfully combine his detailed knowledge of the human anatomy with the concepts of the 5 elements and meridian channels into his own unique , successful method of treatment. 

Moreover, his treatment approach does not end when takes his hands away from one's body, for he believes that self care is central to a person's healing process. Dr. Laseter believes in this idea so much that he not only meditates and practices chi gong himself daily, but also introduces these energy practices to his patient in weekly classes. Because of this, his treatment is further amplified as his patients are equipped with the knowledge of how to maintain one's self healing body. 

Finally, on a more personal level, Chris has been a good friend and mentor in my study of osteopathic medicine.  I am truly grateful for the wealth of wisdom, knowledge and opportunities he has generously given me over the years.  Although I may not be able to achieve the same treatment outcome as he has done, it is just inspirational to learn that it is possible to succeed in this field. Additionally, I also want to mention that Dr. Laseter has not only contributed to my osteopathic education, but he also always shared his discoveries and ideas with any student who is interested and participated in many student's education. Hence, I respect him greatly as a selfless educator". 

Terry Pruitt-Fisher PT, MS

"I have known Dr. Laseter as both a fellow healthcare professional and as a patient for over 20 years. He is a gifted healer who assesses the body as an integrated whole and treats each patient using a unique blend of manual skills. He has helped me, and the patients I referred to him, manage complex, chronic medical conditions without the need for medication or surgeries".

Kathryn C.

"On my first visit back in 2003, Dr. Laseter got rid of lower back pain I had had for 40 years! I appreciate how he is always learning new things and developing new techniques".

Svetlana S.

"Dr. Laseter is an outstanding osteopath. For the past 3 years, he has provided care for our family. With a special needs daughter, his understanding and compassion are unmatched. Highly recommended"!

Carl L.

"I'm 72 yrs. old and have had chronic Lyme for 25 yrs. Pain, due mainly to arthritis, has been a constant companion. Until I started seeing Dr. Laseter. 

No matter how much pain I have when I arrive, I usually leave with none, always with none bothering me.

Dr. Laseter has unique skills beyond any I've experienced before. After a most gentle yet powerful treatment, the pain is gone, energy starts flowing better, and a feeling of lightness and general well-being follows.

If you have any health issue, I strongly recommend you see Dr. Laseter".

Marla P.

"I met Dr. Christopher Laseter nine years after a serious car accident on New Years Eve 1983-1984. Prior to the accident I worked full time and was an avid skier, tennis player, swimmer, equestrian and cyclist. All that ended abruptly. I spent the next 9 years utilizing both mainline and alternative medicine to “get back to normal”, live without pain, and return to an active life.

Through professional contacts, my husband heard about a board certified Neuromusculoskeletal  osteopath named Dr. Christopher Laseter, who moved into the area and was treating patients at Ephrata hospital. I was encouraged, but reserved due to the vast past experiences, which all failed to help me return to a ‘normal life,”

To say that Dr. Laseter gave me my life back, would be an understatement. Dr. Laster’s treatments over time, helped remove the trauma from my body due to the injuries. I became stronger, and stronger and more comfortable. As time passed I returned to a more normal an active life once again: skiing, kayaking, even horseback riding.

Dr. Laseter first treated our daughter at the age of eight, following an equestrian accident. Our daughter is now 34 and continues to receive treatments, as do my husband an I. Treatments help us to maintain our health and assist us when we have a health challenge, or an injury occurs, due to our active life styles.

Dr. Laseter is a healer and encourages his patients to be proactive in their own health. He teaches a Qigong ~ Exercise as Medicine Classes~. The Qigong practices he teaches, and his treatments have made me stronger and healthier over years, taking an active role in my health". 

Dan F., Esquire

"I have been a patient of Dr. Laseter’s for about 5 years.  From the first visit,He made a remarkable difference in how I felt.  I do not know how he sees what he sees, but after each visit, my neck and back pain are improved, I stand straighter and I feel better.   He does all of this without pain killers or referrals to physical therapy.   He treats me as an individual, not a faceless patient.  He is also very compassionate.   About a year ago I partially amputated a finger in a woodworking accident.  After receiving traditional care from an emergency room surgeon, I spoke with Dr. Laseter who insisted that I come see him to help take care of the trauma that permeated my entire body, not just my finger.  I did not realize how much the injury to my finger had an impact on all of me.  After an hour with him, I felt like I could move again.  I give Dr. Laseter my highest recommendation".

Margaret F.

"I first visited Dr. Laseter after a recommendation from a friend for some continuing complications from an arm surgery.  It was surpising that such subtle adjustments  could make such a difference! Over the past two years, I have continued my visits for various health issues. No matter the reason for my visit, I always leave in better shape than when I entered the office". 

C.O. Thomas

"Shortly after suffering a broken knee I was paid a visit by Dr. Laseter(Chris) and a mutual dear friend. Chris offered to treat me that evening. He immediately concentrated on my foot and ankle, which he determined was the epicenter of the trauma, and then worked on balancing Chi energy which had been so affected. I felt immediate relief. My attending Physicians paid no attention to these issues and it’s only now that I realize the importance of that brief treatment.......the knee healed, but some foot, ankle and energetic issues remained. Throughout the process of a long recovery I have also become acutely aware that trauma Is not localized but having effect on the mind and spirit as well. I have used my own practice to rehab, but only wish that distance had not prevented me from having further treatment with Chris. I know that I would have recovered much faster under his gifted watch".

Stacey H.

"I cannot recommend Dr. Laseter more highly!  I suffered with back pain for 10+ years and after my first appointment with Dr. Laseter I walked out of his office pain free!

 For years I would see a chiropractor and massage therapist each month which would only temporarily relieve my symptoms.  The pain would always come back fairly quickly and I saw multiple doctors as well with no permanent solutions to help alleviate my back pain.

 After my first appointment with Dr. Laseter, he quickly discovered the cause of my pain and treated it accordingly.  Since meeting with Dr. Laseter, I now live pain free and my life has improved significantly since I don't have to worry about dealing with pain.

 I cannot stop raving to all of my friends and family about how Dr. Laseter has worked miracles in my body!  I was recently pregnant and whenever anyone asked how I was feeling, I quickly responded with, “Great!”  I experienced a pain free pregnancy and smooth delivery and I give massive credit to Dr. Laseter with how great my body felt through the whole experience.

 It brings me joy to now bring my newborn daughter to Dr. Laseter! (Picture attached) I feel such confidence and excitement knowing she’ll be healthy from the start because of Dr. Laseter’s work with her.

If you’re experiencing any type of health issue, I can’t recommend more highly to make an appointment with Dr. Laseter"!

Don R.

"Before I began seeing Dr. Laseter, I had suffered from severe back and neck pain for more than 25 years and had tried many traditional and alternative treatments to no avail. I was quite literally in pain from the first step I took in the morning until I went to bed at night. After the first few treatments my pain was greatly reduced and my energy had increased. That alone was a huge improvement. As my quality of life improved, I was able to do things I forgot I enjoyed without the worry of injuring myself. Dr. Laseter is supremely talented. It’s not an overstatement to say that his treatments have changed my life.

Doctor Laseter is nothing short of amazing. I’ve always found that most doctors just look at symptoms and throw meds at them, rather than delving deeper into trying to investigate and truly understand the causes of these symptoms. Not here. I have never seen a doctor so committed to finding the cause of my problems. I will continue my treatments as I look forward to seeing how much better I can feel. Dr. Laseter truly is the best.

I had years of lower back pain, sometimes to the point of being unable to stand up or walk. Dr. Laseter changed my life. With regular ‘tune-up’ treatments, I am almost completely pain free and as a bonus, I can now be very active physically. His medical knowledge and understanding is much broader than any physician I have seen and he has offered me the best perspective to make my health care choices.

Dr. Laseter is an exceptional practitioner who is highly devoted to providing quality care to his patients. His knowledge and enthusiasm in treating patients is accompanied with excellent results.”

Christy M. 

"I have had an extremely positive experience with Dr. Laseter.  I was in a severe care accident almost 5 years ago that left me with a constant migraine headaches, neck pain, and post concussive syndrome,  The migraines and neck pain were continual but varied in intensity.  Any form of exercise including walking, increased the pain sometimes sending me to bed for two days.

In desperation (because Dr. Laseter's office is 21/2 hours from my house), I decided to make an appointment.  I had tried everything from PT and nerve blocks to medications and Botox.  In fact, I was hospitalized 3 times in an attempt to control the pain.  Nothing helped and at that point I was starting to just feel sick all over. 

I have been working with Dr. Laseter for 5 months.  I am headache free.  Once in a while I can feel a headache starting.  Advil provides the relief I need.  My neck pain is gone and I'm back to walking and riding my bike.  I am very grateful and continue to be in awe of this style of medical care".

Rachel S.

"I came in with persistent pain and 2 months later it was gone. Just like that. Gone. How could I not recommend someone who helped me that much”?

Debra C.

"While away on a personal retreat over the Passover/Easter holiday, I developed an excruciating toothache. Because of the holiday and the fact that I was nine hours away from home, I could not find an emergency dentist. I tried everything to reduce the pain and swelling.  Nothing worked. I decided to email and ask Dr. Laseter if he knew of a protocol to help me remotely.  We scheduled a Zoom consultation. I took a nap, and amazingly after days of not functioning because of the tooth pain, I was able to continue my retreat.  


Dr. Laseter is a gifted practitioner and is very kind.  I see him regularly for osteopathic care.  I was surprised and grateful that I can use the integrated techniques I am learning from Dr. Laseter for other health concerns – even dental health".

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